We all have items on our list of
But what happens when that
list gets so big and so overwhelming
that we just…don’t do any of it?

I get it. You’re a high achiever and you spend a lot of time serving others.
This is what we high achievers do. We get busy doing for others, and working hard, and getting by and then suddenly, it’s next month or next year or a whole decade has gone by and we’re just floating through with those to-get-tos in the back of our minds.

For two hours each week, Tuesdays at 3 pm and Thursdays at 11 am Eastern, we come together in community to get accountable to do the things we’ve been putting off doing…
…because they’re scary or
…because we dread them or
…because we cannot fit them in or
…because they are things that are just for us and we simply don’t make the time for ourselves
Member Testimonials

What We Do in Procrastinator’s Power Hour
Our members do all kinds of things during Power Hours, including:
Creating presentations
Cleaning out a desk
Learning a new software
Job hunting
Connecting with people to network
Planning social media posts
Practicing a speech
Deep cleaning a bathroom
Showering (yes, seriously - video off, of course)
Organizing finances
And so much more!
As a Member, You’ll Have Access to:
Power Hours Every Tuesday at 3pm and Every Thursday at 11am Eastern
Slack Group for Accountability, Community, and Focus (and Memes)
Questions? Contact me at info@laurenlefkowitzcoach.com
Oh, hey, it’s you!
I’m so glad you’re here!
Hello! I’m Lauren and I’m an Executive Leadership Coach on a mission to make sure people like you know that your career, your daily work life, can be different.
I believe that Fine is a Trap and I work with clients to escape the work, sleep, repeat cycle and find the careers they actually want.
I work with high achievers, people pleasers, perfectionists, and yes, procrastinators.
So, what does that have to do with Procrastinator's Power Hour?
Thanks for asking!
I've learned that the highest achievers also have this in common: they put themselves, and their own goals, last.

Power Hour came from hearing my friends and peers repeatedly talking about serving others and putting their own dreams off because they couldn't, er, uh, didn't make time to do the things they really wanted to do (or really needed to do to get to the things they really wanted to do).
Power Hour is for YOU, for US, to be in a place where we hold each other accountable to get productive and focus on the things we keep meaning to get to. I can't wait for you to join us!

Need more than a Power Hour to get you on track to build the life you want to build? Let's chat about how I can partner with you to take your career, and your life, from 'fine' to amazing!
Set up a time at laurenlefkowitzcoach.as.me/letschat or visit laurenlefkowitzcoach.com for more information.